Medical Full Forms

Medical Full Forms

Medical Full Forms

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Sr. No. Short Name Full Form
1 A&W Alive and Well
2 AA Amino Acid
3 ABG Arterial Blood Gas
4 ACS American Chemical Society
5 ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
6 ADM Admission, Admitted
7 AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
8 ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
9 AMA Against Medical Advice, American Medical Association
10 ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
11 ASAP As Aoon As Possible
12 BAMS Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
13 BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
14 BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
15 BMD Bone Mineral Density
16 BMI Body Mass Index
17 BMR Basal Metabolic Rate
18 BMT Bone Marrow Transplant
19 C Centigrade, Celsius
20 C/O Complains of, Care of
21 CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
22 CBC Complete Blood Count
23 CC Cubic Centimeter, Chief Complaint, Critical Care, Complications, Carbon Copy
24 CHF Congestive Heart Failure
25 CMO Chief Medical Officer
26 CO2 Carbon Dioxide
27 COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
28 CPR Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
29 D/C Discontinue or Discharge
30 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
31 DNR Do Not Resuscitate
32 DO Disorder
33 DOA Dead on arrival or date of admission
34 DOB Date of birth
35 DOT Directly Observed Therapy
36 DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
37 EBV Epstein – Barr virus
38 ECG Electrocardiogram
39 ECT Electroconvulsive Therapy
40 EDC Estimated Date of Confinement
41 EDD Estimated Delivery Date
42 EGA Estimated Gestational Age
43 ENT Ear Nose Throat
44 ER Emergency Room
45 F Fahrenheit
46 FHR Fetal Heart Rate
47 FNF Finger to Nose
48 GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate
49 GMO Genetically Modified Organism
50 GTT Glucose Tolerance Test
51 H&P History and Physical Examination
52 H/O History of
53 HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
54 HPI History of present illness
55 HR Heart rate or hour
56 HS Hour of sleep (bedtime)
57 ICU Intensive Care Unit
58 ID Infectious diseases
59 IP Inpatient
60 IQ Intelligence Quotient
61 IU International units
62 IVF IN Vitro Fertilization
63 MBBS Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae in Latin)
64 MC Menstrual Cycle
65 MCO Managed care organization
66 MD Doctor of Medicine
67 MG Milligram
68 ML Milliliter
69 MMR Measles Mumps and Rubella
70 MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
71 MVA Motor vehicle accident
72 NKDA No known drug allergies
73 NTG Nitroglycerin
74 O2 Oxygen
75 OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
76 OPD Outpatient Department
77 OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea
78 P Pulse
79 PA or PT Patient
80 PCP Primary Care Physician
81 PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
82 PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease
83 PMS Premenstrual Syndrome
84 PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
85 RBC Red Blood Cell
86 RF Risk factor
87 RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease
88 RIP Rest In Peace, Routing Information Protocol
89 RNA Ribonucleic Acid
90 S Without (sans)
91 S/S Signs and symptoms
92 STAT Immediately
93 STD Subscriber Trunk Dialing, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
94 SX Symptoms
95 T Temperature
96 TLC Total Lung Capacity
97 TPR Temperature, pulse, respiration
98 TT Tetanus Toxoid
99 USOH Usual state of health
100 UTI Urinary Tract Infection
101 VS Vital signs
102 VSS Vital signs stable
103 WB Whole blood
104 WBC White Blood Cell
105 WNL Within normal limits


Question 1 :What is full form of A&W in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of A&W is Alive and Well .

Question 2 : What is full form of AA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of AA is Amino Acid .

Question 3 : What is full form of ABG in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ABG is Arterial Blood Gas .

Question 4 : What is full form of ACS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ACS is American Chemical Society .

Question 5 : What is full form of ADHD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder .

Question 6 : What is full form of ADM in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ADM is Admission, Admitted .

Question 7 : What is full form of AIDS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome .

Question 8 : What is full form of ALS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ALS is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis .

Question 9 : What is full form of AMA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of AMA is Against Medical Advice, American Medical Association .

Question 10 : What is full form of ARDS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ARDS is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome .

Question 11 : What is full form of ASAP in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ASAP is As Aoon As Possible .

Question 12 : What is full form of BAMS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of BAMS is Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery .

Question 13 : What is full form of BCG in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of BCG is Bacillus Calmette-Guerin .

Question 14 : What is full form of BDS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of BDS is Bachelor of Dental Surgery .

Question 15 : What is full form of BMD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of BMD is Bone Mineral Density .

Question 16 : What is full form of BMI in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of BMI is Body Mass Index .

Question 17 : What is full form of BMR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of BMR is Basal Metabolic Rate .

Question 18 : What is full form of BMT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of BMT is Bone Marrow Transplant .

Question 19 : What is full form of C in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of C is Centigrade, Celsius .

Question 20 : What is full form of C/O in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of C/O is Complains of, Care of .

Question 21 : What is full form of CABG in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of CABG is Coronary Artery Bypass Graft .

Question 22 : What is full form of CBC in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of CBC is Complete Blood Count .

Question 23 : What is full form of CC in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of CC is Cubic Centimeter, Chief Complaint, Critical Care, Complications, Carbon Copy .

Question 24 : What is full form of CHF in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of CHF is Congestive Heart Failure .

Question 25 : What is full form of CMO in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of CMO is Chief Medical Officer .

Question 26 : What is full form of CO2 in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of CO2 is Carbon Dioxide .

Question 27 : What is full form of COPD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of COPD is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease .

Question 28 : What is full form of CPR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of CPR is Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation .

Question 29 : What is full form of D/C in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of D/C is Discontinue or Discharge .

Question 30 : What is full form of DNA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid .

Question 31 : What is full form of DNR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of DNR is Do Not Resuscitate .

Question 32 : What is full form of DO in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of DO is Disorder .

Question 33 : What is full form of DOA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of DOA is Dead on arrival or date of admission .

Question 34 : What is full form of DOB in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of DOB is Date of birth .

Question 35 : What is full form of DOT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of DOT is Directly Observed Therapy .

Question 36 : What is full form of DSM in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of DSM is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders .

Question 37 : What is full form of EBV in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of EBV is Epstein – Barr virus .

Question 38 : What is full form of ECG in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ECG is Electrocardiogram .

Question 39 : What is full form of ECT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ECT is Electroconvulsive Therapy .

Question 40 : What is full form of EDC in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of EDC is Estimated Date of Confinement .

Question 41 : What is full form of EDD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of EDD is Estimated Delivery Date .

Question 42 : What is full form of EGA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of EGA is Estimated Gestational Age .

Question 43 : What is full form of ENT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ENT is Ear Nose Throat .

Question 44 : What is full form of ER in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ER is Emergency Room .

Question 45 : What is full form of F in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of F is Fahrenheit .

Question 46 : What is full form of FHR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of FHR is Fetal Heart Rate .

Question 47 : What is full form of FNF in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of FNF is Finger to Nose .

Question 48 : What is full form of GFR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of GFR is Glomerular Filtration Rate .

Question 49 : What is full form of GMO in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of GMO is Genetically Modified Organism .

Question 50 : What is full form of GTT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of GTT is Glucose Tolerance Test .

Question 51 : What is full form of H&P in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of H&P is History and Physical Examination .

Question 52 : What is full form of H/O in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of H/O is History of .

Question 53 : What is full form of HIV in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of HIV is Human Immunodeficiency Virus .

Question 54 : What is full form of HPI in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of HPI is History of present illness .

Question 55 : What is full form of HR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of HR is Heart rate or hour .

Question 56 : What is full form of HS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of HS is Hour of sleep (bedtime) .

Question 57 : What is full form of ICU in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ICU is Intensive Care Unit .

Question 58 : What is full form of ID in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ID is Infectious diseases .

Question 59 : What is full form of IP in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of IP is Inpatient .

Question 60 : What is full form of IQ in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of IQ is Intelligence Quotient .

Question 61 : What is full form of IU in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of IU is International units .

Question 62 : What is full form of IVF in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of IVF is IN Vitro Fertilization .

Question 63 : What is full form of MBBS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MBBS is Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae in Latin) .

Question 64 : What is full form of MC in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MC is Menstrual Cycle .

Question 65 : What is full form of MCO in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MCO is Managed care organization .

Question 66 : What is full form of MD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MD is Doctor of Medicine .

Question 67 : What is full form of MG in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MG is Milligram .

Question 68 : What is full form of ML in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of ML is Milliliter .

Question 69 : What is full form of MMR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MMR is Measles Mumps and Rubella .

Question 70 : What is full form of MRI in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MRI is Magnetic Resonance Imaging .

Question 71 : What is full form of MVA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of MVA is Motor vehicle accident .

Question 72 : What is full form of NKDA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of NKDA is No known drug allergies .

Question 73 : What is full form of NTG in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of NTG is Nitroglycerin .

Question 74 : What is full form of O2 in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of O2 is Oxygen .

Question 75 : What is full form of OCD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of OCD is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder .

Question 76 : What is full form of OPD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of OPD is Outpatient Department .

Question 77 : What is full form of OSA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of OSA is Obstructive Sleep Apnea .

Question 78 : What is full form of P in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of P is Pulse .

Question 79 : What is full form of PA or PT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of PA or PT is Patient .

Question 80 : What is full form of PCP in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of PCP is Primary Care Physician .

Question 81 : What is full form of PID in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of PID is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease .

Question 82 : What is full form of PKD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of PKD is Polycystic Kidney Disease .

Question 83 : What is full form of PMS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of PMS is Premenstrual Syndrome .

Question 84 : What is full form of PTSD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of PTSD is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder .

Question 85 : What is full form of RBC in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of RBC is Red Blood Cell .

Question 86 : What is full form of RF in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of RF is Risk factor .

Question 87 : What is full form of RHD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of RHD is Rheumatic Heart Disease .

Question 88 : What is full form of RIP in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of RIP is Rest In Peace, Routing Information Protocol .

Question 89 : What is full form of RNA in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of RNA is Ribonucleic Acid .

Question 90 : What is full form of S in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of S is Without (sans) .

Question 91 : What is full form of S/S in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of S/S is Signs and symptoms .

Question 92 : What is full form of STAT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of STAT is Immediately .

Question 93 : What is full form of STD in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of STD is Subscriber Trunk Dialing, Sexually Transmitted Diseases .

Question 94 : What is full form of SX in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of SX is Symptoms .

Question 95 : What is full form of T in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of T is Temperature .

Question 96 : What is full form of TLC in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of TLC is Total Lung Capacity .

Question 97 : What is full form of TPR in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of TPR is Temperature, pulse, respiration .

Question 98 : What is full form of TT in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of TT is Tetanus Toxoid .

Question 99 : What is full form of USOH in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of USOH is Usual state of health .

Question 100 : What is full form of UTI in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of UTI is Urinary Tract Infection .

Question 101 : What is full form of VS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of VS is Vital signs .

Question 102 : What is full form of VSS in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of VSS is Vital signs stable .

Question 103 : What is full form of WB in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of WB is Whole blood .

Question 104 : What is full form of WBC in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of WBC is White Blood Cell .

Question 105 : What is full form of WNL in terms of medical?

Answers : full form of WNL is Within normal limits.